Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Health Benefits of Coconut Water

It’s a clean, potable beverage for many people around the world, one recommended by the World Health Organization for treatment of dehydration, and since it’s sterile, it’s even been delivered intravenously.  What is this miracle elixir?    It’s a drink you’ve been seeing pop up everywhere lately – coconut water. 

But when it comes to this trendy new drink, everyone seems to have three key questions. First, what is coconut water? Next, what are its benefits? And finally, is it a more healthful alternative to water and sports drinks?

What Is Coconut Water?
Coconut water is the clear liquid inside young coconuts.  Technically, this makes coconut water a juice, not a flavored water drink.  However, compared to many other juices, it has fewer calories and carbohydrates.  It consists of about 94% water, and it is richer in potassium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium than most juices; it also contains electrolytes, antioxidants, plant hormones, enzymes, and amino acids.

Read Entire Article on VitaMedica!

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